Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Emailing China

This may or may not interest you.

So, if you found the above blank space interesting, there's no way the following post will bore you, although I realise as I write this how drastically I draw attention to its insignificance by pointing out its insignificance, thus magnifying its significance a lot more than is warranted. There's an idea -- any time you feel small and insignificant, just talk about how small and insignificant you are for a while, and you'll soon feel better. I wonder if that works.

Anyway, all that said, I was just going to make a comment about emailing. I generally find it hard to be regular with emails. I like to write meaningful emails, and writing meaningful emails takes time, which I'm often under the (mis)conception of not-having. Obviously, the fact that I ever write any emails shows that I do have the time to email, so the excuse "I don't have time" is untrue. What it means, though, is that dedicating time to emailing will mean I won't have time for other things. But such is life.

So I've just spent the best part of an hour sending a bunch of emails to old friends in China (or friends who were in China when I was). Remarkably, providentially, two of these friends emailed me after I had thought of emailing them but before I actually had emailed them.

I don't know what lessons God has for each day... I think He has some. For example, I can see that emailing people, while time consuming, is worth it... especially if it's done with the intent of building a relationship that otherwise would not be built.

I'm going to go write some other stuff now.

Peace and zeal,